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Extract knowledge

Retaining employee knowledge, generating custom content and producing powerful marketing materials are all valuable steps to grow your business and to help your employees to succeed. Unfortunately for many companies, the Knowledge Management process stops there.

At propel-ant, we focus on extracting essential knowledge from your key employees and in distilling it into actionable business development processes. But then we take the process one critical step further: we put the knowledge into the hands of your sales and marketing teams in ways that they will use them.


It is critical that your company enact a strategy for the organization and dissemination of your marketing materials, thought leadership and other knowledge assets. Your employees must have easy access to relevant material that can be quickly customized to augment their client conversations and to enrich their client relationships. We specialize in deploying knowledge management platforms which conform to the ways in which your sales and marketing teams do their business.


Teaching ensures that the new products do not languish on the shelf.

Ensure Access

Ensuring that your staff has access to the material brings us to the final step in the knowledge management strategy process: teaching your staff how to use these assets to ensure that the new products do not languish on the shelf. We integrate self-paced training modules into your knowledge management platform which provide your staff with step-by-step guidance and suggested applications of the assets they select.

In this way, you can be confident that your employees are on message while empowering them to take the initiative and to attempt new strategies for building your business.

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